Why Video Is Worth A Million Words

Product Video Is Essential, Can Boost SEO, & Increase Conversions.

2 min read

If you sell physical products online, then product photos are essential. But are they enough?

Ten years ago, it might have been possible to use a few stock photos and dominate the SEO search results, Amazon algorithm, and otherwise generate a steady stream of sales online.

However, consumer expectations have shifted. Data has shown that video is now king. And by not using product videos, you’re leaving real money on the table.

A recent survey by Wyzowl discovered some important insights about videos for marketing:
• 86% of marketers say video increased their website traffic
• 78% of marketers say that video helped increase their sales directly
• 84% of marketers say that video generated more leads for them

And that’s not all, here are other ways product eCommerce product video helps your business:

Video Boosts SEO

Google has begun to show more thumbnails next to search result listings. And according to research, including a thumbnail in your listing boosts click-through rates.

Therefore, having a video to display in your SEO thumbnails drives more traffic and sales for your product.

One of the other important factors for SEO is the amount of time a visitor spends on your website. The more time they spend, the higher “score” you will have from Google — resulting in higher rankings in the search results.

And because people will spend twice as long on a site that has video than one without, product videos indirectly help your SEO ranking.

Video Creates Authenticity and Connection

In a sea of other products and brands who only show photos, you can stand out by offering product videos.

Videos are more immersive, more real, and ultimately more emotional — helping you to create a true, lasting connection between your brand and your customers.

Video Shows Your Product in Action

It’s one thing to imagine what a product can do for you. It’s another thing to see that product in action in a video.

Creating mental “ownership” in the mind of your potential customers is important. In other words, videos help make the benefits of your product come to life.

Since 66% of consumers prefer a short video to learn about a product, using demo videos can increase conversions.

Setting Expectations

Whether you’re selling on Amazon, your own site, or anywhere else, expectations are key.

According to research, 64% of returns are due to the product not matching the description

You want to limit refunds and returns by ensuring your customers know exactly what they’re getting.

There’s no better way to set the proper expectations than with high quality product videos.

Want high quality product videos for your eCommerce store? Fill out our Contact form to schedule a brief call.

